"Formula" polygala, alum stone, each 60 grams, atractylodes, wolves, poison, heather, radix geutianae, sichuan and radix dipsaci, yuanhua, white quartz, red ochre, Tong shavings, pyrrosia leaf, kaolinite, radix scrophulariae, day male, windproof, dogwood, platycodon grandiflorum, hellebore, selaginella, cold water stone, angelica dahurica, radix gentianae macrophyllae, glauber's salt, huaiqing yam, radix scutellariae, rhizoma coptidis, radix et rhizoma rhei, ephedra, dried radix rehmanniae, radix peucedani, licorice, dodder, peony, phlegm, calamus each 30 grams, gypsum 75 grams, the centipede article 1, almonds, 20, 22500 g glutinous rice, could 1500 grams.
[Method] Grind the first 39 flavors into powder, sift them into a cloth bag, fry them with 22kg water and take thick juice, set aside. Soak the glutinous rice, drain it, steam the rice, let it cool, put it in the wine (crushed) and medicine juice, mix it well, put it in the container, and put it in the medicine bag, seal it, keep it warm, make wine as usual. After 3 ~ 10 days, the wine was prepared, the residue was filtered, the medicine bag was pressed, the two liquids were combined, and the bottle was stored for use.
[Efficacy] Tonify kidney and spleen, dispel wind and dehumidify, clear heat and detoxify, eliminate accumulation and stagnation.
[indications] Eight wind, twelve bi, incomplete, lodging and food, long cold, cold, five labor seven injury and women postpartum residual disease, monthly water adjustment.
Oral administration: take 20 ~ 30 ml each time, 3 times a day. Dry the dregs to fine powder and take 3 ~ 5 grams with wine each time.
[Note] quoted from Puji Fang.
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